The Miracles of Reinhard Bonnke

In his book Herr heile mich (Eng. Lord, Heal Me), the former Alliance Chairman Dr. Fritz Laubach also quotes a “prophecy” of Reinhard Bonnke during the beginning of the Fire Conference of 1987. The revival that reaches Europe will be a revival with signs and miracles. We will see ambulances lining up for miles, that will bring the hopelessly ill people here, and they will return empty. In the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!…Miracles and signs on the conveyer belt. 1 The former Alliance Chairman explains clearly that this is nothing but a false prophecy.

How to we view the miracles, healings and even the raising of the dead, which are being propagated more and more in the name of this Pentecostal evangelist?

A number of years ago, a preacher of a Free Evangelical Church wanted information about Bonnke, respectively his mission organisation CfaN (Christ for all Nations), because of an alleged healing, which was greatly propagated in the magazine Charisma in 1988. The result was considerably sobering. The “healed” person didn’t answer and the pastor did not accept the usual excuses on the side of the mission organisation in good faith. After that, the executive secretary of CfaN, Rolf Cilwik, in connection with the public “miracle healings” at the Fire Conference, wrote back in an amazingly self-critical way. The witnessed healings are spontaneous testimonies for which the CfaN does not claim responsibility, but instead the persons themselves concerned. There was a co-worker in Africa employed for the sole purpose of checking up on these testimonies, examining them and making a list of them. This was troublesome, and afterwards, we must say the results (people who become believers through healings) are out of all proportion to the expenditure. It could be an indication that “ Calvary” is more important than healing. 2

The pastor gave the following answer: I was personally at the Fire Conference in Frankfurt and experienced how Reinhard Bonnke introduced to the public quite a lot of Germans with shouts of Halleluja as people who have been healed just now. But in spite of your promise not even one single report about the healing of a person from the BRD, medically attested by a physician, appeared in your magazine. How can that still be consistent with the law of truth? You are writing in your letter that it would certainly be an indication that “ Calvary” is more important than “healing”. I definitely believe that also. But why does R. Bonnke speak more about signs and miracles than about Calvary? I have four video cassettes from your mission organisation, but ‘healing’ and the hustle and bustle connected with it (I am really sorry that one cannot describe it otherwise) occupy at least 90% of the content. If one wants to examine the supposed ‘miracles’, then suddenly your ministry is preaching, although you continually speak of “evangelization with signs and miracles” in advertising your meetings. What a distortion of biblical priorities, in connection with “reports of healings” that are most of the time no healings at all! I really believe in the power and strength of God, also regarding physical healings, but this is not the right way! 3

Unfortunately, one repeatedly observes this factor when dealing with this kind of miracle reports: untruthfulness.

“Contending Earnestly for The Faith” is a magazine published by serious members of the Pentecostal movement in England and is obviously not prejudiced against certain “gifts of the Spirit”, reports the following: At Bonnke’s rally in Nigeria, 78 miracles were claimed on stage. But no evidence was found afterwards. Bonnke cursed cancers in the name of Jesus and claimed that those who were blind could now see. The programme then panned to the area below the stage where people from the crowd were being selected as to who could go on stage to testify to healing. There was clear evidence of fakery as most would be participants were barred from the stage. One person who was selected to testify claimed that she was blind and could now see, but it was then shown that she could actually see in the first place. 4

Now the Holy Spirit is no showman and He cannot be used. When people wanted to make Jesus king and put him, so to speak, on a pedestal, he withdrew himself from them (Joh. 6:15). Man is not authorized to announce signs and miracles, as if the Spirit of God ought to obey him. We actually should not need to emphasize this. However, when one observes the ministry and activities of Reinhard Bonnke, it becomes evident that he assumes for himself an increasing authority that goes beyond the boundaries of biblical revelation.

Our healing evangelist claimed that God supposedly said to him: My words are exactly as powerful in your mouth as my words in my own mouth. 5 During the Fire Conference of 1987 in Frankfurt, he yelled seven times in succession into the microphone: I release the fire of the Holy Ghost.

That is nothing but pure magic by its very nature: the desire to be able to have God at one’s own disposal. It is well known that God gives the Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32), not to those who give Him commands. The founder of a Bible School made the remarkable statement: The Holy Spirit is the most wonderful gift to the Church, if she obeys Him, and the most dangerous, if she tries to manipulate him. What we have here cannot be called simply manipulation, but open arrogance. This kind of behaviour is befitting of our age, which is preoccupied with the supernatural.

Is there such a thing as healing by suggestion?

How can we explain all these reports of healings? André Kole has supplied interesting information on this issue. He is an illusionist, or master of illusion, as we call it. As he is also a believer, he has frequently investigated the claims of the healing evangelists. He first makes the statement that there are psychosomatic and organic illnesses. Regarding the characteristics of psychosomatic, functional and organic illnesses, he explains: Diseases can be categorized into one of two types: functional or organic... A functional disease is one associated with a change in function of a bodily organ or tissue without any tissue damage. An organic disease is one associated with a demonstrable change in a bodily organ or tissue. Therefore, in dealing with functional diseases such as high blood pressure, addictions, low back pain syndrome, or most headaches there is no demonstrable tissue damage, yet the organ or tissue is certainly not functioning as it should. By contrast, organic diseases such as broken bones, paralysis from severed nerves, congenital malformations or coronary artery disease evidence a very clear change in tissue. 7

As André Kole further explains, functional illnesses can be healed by practically anyone who practises the techniques of faith healing. These are principally universally applicable, regardless whether used by Shamans, psychic healers, medicine men, magicians, New Agers, etc. Faith healings can be performed by practically anyone - even a cat! 8 Divine healing, however, in which we also believe, cannot be practiced nor can it be manipulated. Also, in the highly festive and emotionally charged atmosphere of a faith-healing service, the brain can be stimulated to release endorphins into the nervous system... This is why people can honestly say “the pain is gone” and sincerely believe they are healed – until the effect wears off hours or days later. 9

André Kole’s makes an important final observation in connection with Benny Hinn, today the most popular healing evangelist worldwide and a man who also was made famous through Bonnke in Germany for the first time in 1987 in Frankfurt. Benny faithfully promised time after time to work with me to prove to me and the world that divine, organic healing miracles are taking place every day and by the hundreds in his Miracle Crusades. He faithfully promised to start sending me documented examples immediately. At one point I said, “Benny, I don’t mean to be unkind, but I think I should mention that for 35 years every Christian faith healer I have contacted has made the same promises you have, and I never heard from them again.” Benny replied, “You will hear from me. I’ll will supply you with those names right away. I will get them to you. ...” 10 André Kole never heard from Benny Hinn again.

Other testimonies of Bonnke’s activities are also comparable to this. An eye witness of a large evangelization in Kananga, Zaire in 1994 reports:

It was a very popular and well visited campaign. It was very lively and the people felt great joy… But the people seemed to be deaf towards the Gospel, because they were only interested in material things, miracles and healings that were to happen. According to my observation, most of the people did not come to hear the Gospel preached, but to see the abundant miracles and healings that had been promised to them… The end of each day was devoted to the long-awaited moment of miracles, healings and testimonies. During a prayer, all the frail, the limping or the blind or those who felt to be otherwise ill should put their hand (or hands) on the affected part of their body to experience healing. Whether any lasting conversions or healings resulted from the event, we will discover by means of the survey. However, I do not know of a single case.

Several paragraphs further it says: Everyone who wanted to receive the Holy Spirit, should raise his (or her) hand while the evangelist prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. That means he laid his hands on them to transfer the Gifts of the Spirit. He also told to everybody who wanted to pray in tongues how he “should pray in the Holy Spirit”. Everyone who wanted to learn that should concentrate and shout hallelujah until they noticed that they were seized by the Spirit and were talking in tongues. It was said in advance about this day, that the big outpouring of the Holy Spirit would take place and God would do great signs and miracles. That is why I was so disappointed and disgusted… Although it was a popular campaign, it seems to me that the harvest rather consisted of parasites. 11

The laying on of hands on the ailing place of the body to receive healing is the typical technique of the spirit healer and is a customary practice in mesmerism.

The magazine Focus wrote about the “harvesting machine” Bonnke, among other things: Everyone should put his hand on the ailing side of his body and should stretch out the other one towards heaven. Many jerked as if a pneumatic hammer was hitting them. Bonnke was sort of babbling (tonguesspeaking: author’s note). The orgy lasted several minutes, during which 200,000 men, women and children behaved like clucking chickens. 12

One is reminded of the complaint of the apostle: “They will think you are crazy” (1 Cor. 14:23).

A Christian lady from Madagascar related to my wife and me how that, after Bonnke’s campaign which again should have been jam-packed with healings, many remained frustrated and disappointed, because the healings did not take place or even turned out to be phoney. Similar things were reported to me in Kiev, Hyderabad and other places of the world. At first big enthusiasm, then heaps of disappointed hopes. This is usually covered in nobel manner by a blanket of silence.

But not only are there disappointed hopes, but worse consequences to boot. An indiscriminating as well as quick laying on of hands is customary for Reinhard Bonnke and practically all healing evangelists. The hand is practically the medium through which power is transferred. The warning of the Scripture, “Lay hands suddenly on no man” (1 Tim. 5:22), has been generously overlooked for a long time, or rather re-interpreted.

Depressions and difficult psychosomatic problems are sometimes the result and consequence of such unbiblical laying on of hands. The reason behind it: a power proceeds from these healers. Accordingly, a sister in Christ wrote to me in a private letter how Bonnke had laid his hands on her in Karlsruhe. Since that time she has had to fight with temptations. 13 A former member of a Word of Faith Church in Stuttgart reports: As R. Bonnke laid hands on me I was hit as by lightning and catapulted backwards onto a hard stone floor and this resulted in a loss of all bodily feeling. I was not injured by this fall. 14

Bonnke’s listeners usually fall on their backs during these spiritual manifestations. That is also the characteristic of the false prophets (Is. 28:13). Yet all this is only the tip of the iceberg. An evangelist from South Germany told me how a young girl was healed by Bonnke at one of his meetings. A week later she was in a secure psychiatric ward.

Humility or megalomania

His behaviour strongly reminds one of Simon the magician, who likewise wanted to have the Holy Spirit at his disposal, preferably by arbitrarily laying on of hands (Acts 8:19). Reinhard Bonnke fits smoothly to our gravitation towards magic and witchcraft, to a generation for which Harry Potter has become a cult figure. The more these trends spread, the “more successful” this “releaser” of the Holy Spirit will become. Even Simon the magician claimed to be someone great (Acts 8:9). For Paul, the idea of receiving the Holy Spirit differently than through faith in Jesus was the essence of magic or witchcraft (Gal. 3:1-2).

His success reports fit this pattern. God supposedly showed him that he is no more a “fisher of men, but of nations”. His reception by Evangelicals is on the rise. He was the keynote speaker last year at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Union of the Independent Pentecostal Church. In his own bragging way, he explained how one million people were converted through him. 15

In Bonnke’s missionary newsletters one can regularly marvel at pictures of huge crowds. Big, bigger, the biggest is the motto. “Biggest transportable tent in the world! Biggest evangelization of all time! Biggest gathering of people in the history of missions!” Similarly read the headlines of this new time “super apostle”, God’s “harvesting machine”, as he is also called. With eloquence he claims to be doing everything only to the glory of God, but his behaviour speaks louder than his “humble” words. This conduct has much more to do with megalomania or rather pathological craving for admiration - not to speak of the profile of an hysterical person - than with the humility of a follower of Christ (Phil. 2:3). The “modest” caption of the invitation to the Fire Conference in Frankfurt in 1987 read: “Prelude to the biggest out-pouring of the Holy Spirit in Europe”. 16 The comment of an independent pastor: This is blasphemy.

In light of the fact that the true barometer of spiritual power lies not in the dimension of supernatural signs and miracles, but in the moral, ethic dimension, one must ask himself what kind of revival has taken place in the last 15 years? Insiders call the nineties the decade of the homosexuals. In the meantime, divorce has become not only a problem for the world, but also more and more for Christendom. Even the present [German] government documents the moral bankruptcy of this generation more impressively than ever. What kind of a revival is this actually?

Which spirit spoke to Reinhard Bonnke? He explained publicly in reference to the invitation to the Fire Conference: I look at this Fire Conference as a flash of fire from God, as a signal for all of Europe. The Lord has very definitely spoken to me, and I don’t even rule out the use of our big African tent any more. 17

Which Lord spoke to him? According to all these observations and because of the non-fulfillment of the many prophecies about the great revival, which in Germany is now even being admitted by his own people, 18 I come more and more to the conviction how these “spiritually powerful” trends are a new edition of 1 Kings 22:23a. “…the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of your prophets.” This is the true spirit of today’s “powerful” prophets, apostles and super apostles. For sure there stands a spiritual power behind them, as also the New Testament predicts about the time before the second coming of Jesus (2 Thess. 2:11). It would also explain why in these “charismatic” circles (though not limited to these) so much exaggeration, wishful thinking, untruthfulness and, in part, even deliberate lying is accepted and practiced.

Promises and claims are also made, that are either impossible to check or impossible to fulfill. In a ZDF (TV)-documentation on Reinhard Bonnke from July 24, 2002, one could see and hear how he declared, for example: “All eye dis orders will be healed now” (on stage) or “You shall prosper”. A reporter commented accordingly: Modesty is not his forte.

How can a person standing before a crowd of thousands or even ten thousands scream such statements? This has nothing to do with the foolishness of the cross and the truthfulness of a servant of Christ, but with another gospel, decorated with tempting promises. Not the theologia crucis, but the theologia gloriae.

People fall into a trance and the whole atmosphere almost reminds one of a fair or a football stadium. ZDF’s comment: He loves to run the show. This broadcast also mentioned several cases where people have been crushed to death in his meetings.

Decades ago Martin Lloyd Jones was asked about Kathryn Kuhlman, what he thought about her healing campaigns. He objected greatly due to the increasing frivolity and disrespectfulness involved. One can notice, also, that the effect of the working of miracles upon the people was to fill them with a sense of awe, and at times of fear. ... In some of the popular healing meetings these days, however, there is laughter and jocularity. The leaders even boast of this. I would say the Bible teaches that any manifestation of the power of God is awe-inspiring, and excludes any spirit of levity, or of lightness in one’s attitude. 19

Yet quite memorable is the following observation in connection with the healing commission: So you have to come back to certain general principles which are taught in the New Testament – and, indeed, in the Old. One is that you never find biblical miracles announced several days beforehand. ...For instance, take the case of Peter and John and the man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. Likewise Paul with the man at Lystra. The Apostles did not know beforehand they were going to work miracles. I believe they were given an immediate commission. They did not experiment, and we are not given any report of failures in the book of Acts. 20

All that Bonnke can serve his critics, however, is the [famous] phrase of Goetz, which he literally quoted to a former member of the main board of directors of the German Evangelical Alliance in the Eighties. 21 Success finally justified him. Compare this with James 3:17.

What is completely overlooked in this matter is that their great success is a sign of the false prophets in the age before the Second Coming of Christ. The Lord Jesus doesn’t say in His famous Olivet Discourse, “they will lead a few or several astray”, but “many false prophets…will lead many people astray” (Matt. 24:11). In the Sermon on the Mount, it says “On judgement day many will tell me, ‘Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evil-doers.’ (Matt. 7:22-23). If success be made the standard by which to measure God’s actions, then Jeremia and Ezekiel were the greatest failures. Jeremia had to say, “For the past twenty three years…the Lord has been giving me his messages. I have faithfully passed them on to you, but you have not wanted to listen.” (Ch. 25:3).

The biblical assessment

Bonnke is amazingly similar to people who Paul ironically called “super apostles” (hyperlian apostoloi, “superb” or “immeasurable apostles”, 2 Cor. 11:5 and 12:11). From 2 Cor. 10 on, Paul deals with people whose most outstanding characteristic was their immense craving for glory (2 Cor. 10:18 and 11:18-19) and who also bragged about being the apostle’s equals (2 Cor. 11:12). The big revival obviously began through these people and they bragged about work that was actually done by others (2 Cor. 10:13-15). They accused Paul of being carnal (2 Cor. 10:2) because he evidently didn’t boast and also didn’t make signs and miracles the central focus [of his ministry]. Hence some even maintained that he could not be a genuine apostle. Such a person would have to have more “authority”. Therefore Paul has to explain how the “apostle’s signs happened among them” (2 Cor. 12:12). He pointed out that, although he was even in paradise, that it is foolish to make sure everyone hears about such experiences or revelations (II Cor.12:7-11). Since these “super apostles” continually talked about their authority and power, Paul glorifies - in complete contrast to them - in his weakness (2 Cor. 12:5 and 9) and proves his apostleship by his abundant sufferings (2 Cor. 11:22-33).

In the past, as at the present, this triumphal approach to the ministry of these special apostles’ usually remains silent about weakness and suffering or, if mentioned at all, illness is classified as carnal. They effortlessly identify themselves today with the biblical apostles (2 Cor. 11:12). Paul then says plainly how these special apostles with their big mouths preach another Jesus, impart a strange spirit (2 Cor. 11:4) and calls them false apostles and malicious workers (2 Cor. 11:13) He has to accuse the Corinthians of gladly tolerating a strange spirit (2 Cor. 11:4) and letting themselves be enslaved by fools, who they also endure gladly (2 Cor. 11:19-20). It is exactly the same today, so that one could conclude with Solomon: “nothing new under the sun”.

This triumphal ministry approach leaves behind in its wake an appropriate trail of devastation and destruction. Thus, instead of a revival at Bonnke’s planned evangelistic crusade in the North Nigerian city of Kano, hundreds of people died. “ Kano for Jesus” was grandly announced. This victorious triumphalism in a city with a Moslem majority challenged them naturally to a “Djihad”. The result: churches were burned down and Bonnke had to be flown out by Nigeria’s Air Force. Initial reports spoke only of dozens of dead. Later reports from Oct. 1991 said that 300 people had been killed.

In response to the increasing confusion, false teachings and deceptively pumped up alleged miracles and healings in the various Charismatic circles, serious Pentecostals in England have united and through a publication assumed the role of a watchman of sorts. The magazine is called Contending Earnestly for The Faith in which, as was already mentioned above, many a wrong development is bravely defined and named.

The June edition in 2001 reported on alleged healing miracles of Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke. Once again, these magazine authors are folks who have no doubts about the existence of the gifts of the Spirit in our age. They are not conservative Evangelicals and anti- charismatic prejudices cannot be imputed to them.

After giving a sobering and honest critic of Benny Hinn’s unscrupulous methods of collecting money, the report goes on to say: On the first night of the (Reinhard Bonnke) crusade, fifteen people were trampled to death as they were trying to leave the premises. And the nightmare continued. On the second evening, a distraught father carried one of the victims – his dead child – to the crusade, believing that Bonnke would bring her back to life. But before he could reach the stage, he was turned away. Still believing, he laid the child’s body on the bonnet of Bonnke’s Mercedes in the hope of a miracle. 22

In the Bible-passages which throw light on the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus, miracles and signs are mentioned, without exception, in conjunction with seduction (2 Thess. 2:9-11; Mat. 24:24; Rev. 13:13). Followers of this “powerful” evangelization usually quote from the Book of Acts, which however describes the beginning of the church. However, in the Parousia-passages, that is, those which describe the Second Coming of Christ, we are informed how these supernatural manifestations will be an effective means of deceiving the believers. The last days will not only be characterized by an increasing disintegration of God’s order and by increasing lawlessness, but also by an eschatological domination of signs and miracles. Reinhard Bonnke, with his lying signs and miracles, fits smoothly into this decline as mentioned in Scripture. These are the effective powers of deception upon which he is riding (2 Thess. 2:9-11).

Can missionary work be done with a living “dead body”?

His latest “evangelization campaign” with a living “dead body” is even more bizarre.

The resurrection of a pastor of a charismatic church in the most highly populated state of Africa, Nigeria, attracted considerable attention. It was supposed to have happened in the context of a church service with Reinhard Bonnke. Bonnke’s mission organization Christ for all Nations spreads a video about it with the title “From Death Back to Life”, which documents the events.

Thus Daniel Ekechukwu, as the pastor is named, supposedly died as the result of an automobile accident. His pregnant wife is shocked, but she remembers a passage in Hebrews: “Women received their loved ones back again from death” (11:35). She feels: This word applies to her also. She manages, on Sunday Dec. 2, to transport the dead one in the coffin to a church service in Onitsha with Reinhard Bonnke, although the death certificate was already made out. The miracle happens. Daniel Ekechukwu becomes alive again.

In the video, a connection is made to the Bible story about the rich man and poor Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). Completely in contrast to the message in this portion, however, is the explanation that the request of the rich man is now at last fulfilled, the resurrection of Daniel Ekechukwus being God’s last warning to this generation”. 23

The story gets even more confusing when we find out that this Pentecostal pastor was not even saved. Bonnke: He had another fearful experience. I did not know this Pastor Daniel at all. He said that the angel said to him, “if God had not decided to send you back to earth, you would join the people in hell.” He was shaking. 24

 Bonnke personally reported this event in an interview with the US television station CBN while relating to Pat Robertson this “resurrection from the dead”. Then Pat Robertson, quite shocked, asked: Robertson: But this guy is a pastor. What was it?

Bonnke: He was a man who didn’t live right.
Robertson: So he was a fraud.
Bonnke: He was not living right. He now lives right. 25

It is obvious here, that the request of the rich man was not fulfilled at all. The rich man asked that someone from heaven (Abraham’s bosom) might come back to earth to give warning (verse 27). Lazarus had passed away in peace with God. Pastor Ekechukwu was, first of all, supposedly not at all saved and is accordingly sent back from hell. Therefore, this is not a communication from heaven, but literally a message, or rather an envoy from the abyss.

The rich man in the story in the Gospel of Luke is literally in Hades (Luke 16:23). According to Rev.6:8 the Kingdom of Death will be released worldwide before the return of Jesus. A foreshadowing of this predicted event we see more and more manifested in our days. As biblical revival extends the kingdom of God, we observe today how “Hades”, the kingdom of darkness and death (Rev 20:14), spreads through an occult revival in our last days. We see also a parallel in the suggestions of which we read in Luke 16. After the Bible puts emphasis on the Word, “”They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.” (verse 29), the negation comes from the realm of the dead: “Nay, father Abraham; but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.” (verse 30). In other words, the rich man wants to evangelize with visible means; if people see how the dead are raised, lame and lepers are healed, etc., then the great revival will come. Then people will repent in crowds.

In reality this suggestion or greeting is nothing else than a “gospel” from the Kingdom of Death. Abraham flatly rejected exactly this very idea. “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead” (verse 31).

Let us summarize what to we should think about this incident in particular and about Bonnke’s ministry in general. It is a greeting from the Kingdom of Death, “Good News” from the abyss, decorated with many biblical terms. The power of Hades is concealed behind this “ fisherman of nations”. If there were no occult revival, Bonnke would hardly be able to produce any healing miracles at all, apart from the fact that his propagated sensational events usually correspond more to his wishful thinking than to reality. He is [part of] God’s judgment on a judgement-ripe, Laodicean Christendom (1 Peter 4:17). Therefore, in the wake of God’s “harvesting machine” follows a trail of confusion, disappointment and, unfortunately, dead people in the most literal sense of the word.

But in all fairness we concede that Bonnke has an excellent gift for preaching and sometimes preaches the gospel very clearly to the point of being impressive. God is sovereign and there are actually people who have been saved through this man. It would be nonsense to deny this. But at least when he reaches the point of calling people up front for his works of healing and demonstrations of the “outpouring of the Spirit”, he then becomes a magician or a medicine man. Through his abilities, similar to those of an hypnotist who can sway crowds, great enthusiasm and euphoric expectations are created and spectacular “healings” do happen. Afterwards, like in the down after a drug experience or intoxication, the big disillusionment sets in.

This is reminiscent of the observation by Watchman Nee concerning the invasion of the Pentecostal movement into the Chinese revival then: When we look back at that time, we notice that the gain was small, the loss, however, was very big. 26

The Lord Jesus sighed: “Only an evil, faithless generation would ask for a miraculous sign; but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah.” (Matt.12:39).

No generation has become as bad and adulterous as the present. No wonder it demands signs and wants to be deceived. No wonder Bonnke is so successful.

Alexander Seibel

1 Fritz Laubach, Herr heile mich, Hänsssler-Publishers, 2000, p. 11.
2 Correspondence of Pastor Weidemann with CfaN, 8.12.1988.
3 Ibid., letter of 16.12.1988
4 Tony Pearce, The Changing Face of Christianity, Contending Earnestly for The Faith, June 2001, p. 8-9.
5 Ron Steele, Die Hölle plündern, Leuchter Verlag, Erzhausen 1986, p. 35
6 Video recording of the Fire Conference in Frankfurt/M., 5-9.8.1987
7 Richard Mayhue, Faith-healing can be done by practically anyone - evan a cat. (The Healing Promise, Harvest House Pub., p. 49).
8 Ibid., p. 40
9 Richard Mayhue, The Healing Promise, Harvest House Pub., p. 53.
10 Ibid. p. 59-60.
11 Bonnke-Big Evangelization in Kananga/Zaire, Report by Mbuyi Ntambwe Shabangi, Emmaus Bible Center in Africa, end of 1994.
12 Focus, 3/2002, p. 58
13 Letter to the author 16.10.1984
14 Gerhard Wissmann, Jesus-Nachfolge oder Jesus-Trip, Manuskript, P. 29
15 idea spektrum 20/97.
16 Wolfgang Bühne, Spiel mit dem Feuer, CLV, 1993, p. 150.
17 Ibid., p. 150.
18 Richard Krüger, “A sober consideration, in view of the longing for revival situation in our country, will agree, but eyes cannot shut to the unfulfillment of many prophecies.” In Germany, there are “already a host of disappointed and confused people”… The Prophets seldom or hardly admitted mistakes., exaggerations or excessive wishful notions. Pfingstliche Selbstkritik, ideaSpektrum, 4/02.
19 D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Supernatural in Medicine, C.M.F. Pub., Dec. 1971, p. 20 Ibid. p. 21-22.
21 A personal report of the brother concerned. Bonnke said to him privately word-for word: My critics can kiss my butt (milder version).
22 Contending Earnestly for The Faith, June 2001, p. 3
23 Marcus Mockler, Mission mit einem lebenden “Toten”, ideaSpedtrum 30/31/2002, p. 22.
24 Ibid.
25 7.4.02., p. 4. 26 Angus Kinnear, Watchman Nee Ein Leben gegen den Strom ABCteam, 1974, p. 104.


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